What Is NABARD Solar Scheme All About?

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) provides and regulates credit and other facilities for promoting and developing agriculture, small-scale industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts, and other rural crafts.

It helps to aid other allied economic activities in rural areas to promote integrated rural development and secure the prosperity of rural areas. It is a development bank and aids small and medium rural industries to cope with their financial needs.

What is NABARD Solar Scheme?

Indian Government is promoting solar energy and, as a part of this, provides subsidies to help individuals and organizations procure solar energy systems at reduced capital cost.

The scheme is executed by the Indian Renewable energy devolvement Agency (IREDA) with the help of NABARD.

Keeping in mind the cost of installation of solar panels, the main objective of the mission is to promote the installation of rooftop solar on residential and commercial buildings. 


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